Google Share Your Business Profile With Review Box

Updated: November 8, 2021

Finding the Google Review link URL for your business is one of the most important things yous tin can do to make information technology easy for your customers to leave you online reviews. Historically, Google has changed its URL formats and it'due south been a tiresome job to find this link for your business, especially if information technology's a service surface area business. As a result, we've put together this guide to help you find or generate the Google Review URL for your business.

  • Generate your link using a Chrome extension (Service-expanse businesses too!)
  • Manually create your link
  • Google no longer using short review URLs
  • Pro Tip: Use a redirect to "own" your Google Review URL
google review url no more google plus

Utilise our Chrome extension to generate your Google Reviews link

If you are an agency or local search SEO and need to create this link for a number of businesses or if you lot're having problem finding the Google Review link for your service area business organization, you're not lonely. That's why our brilliant engineering team created the GatherUp Google Review Link Generator Chrome extension. This elegant solution quickly and easily determines the Google Write A Review link and the Maps URL for any business organisation, with or without an address.

  1. Add to Chrome.
  2. Search for your business organisation on Google then that you can encounter your business organization contour.
  3. Click on the extension.
  4. Copy the "Write a Review URL".
GatherUp Google Review Link Generator Chrome extension

Get the GatherUp Google Review Link Generator

This tool has the added do good of surfacing both the PlaceID and the CID for whatever given list. These are primal Google values for identifying a specific location amongst the millions in Google's Knowledge Graph. It'south always best practice to annal this location information in example, at some betoken in the future, something goes wrong with a listing and you demand help tracking downwards the cause.

Manually create the Google Review URL for your business

Ideally, the Google Review URL you employ for your business should piece of work all the time and make information technology piece of cake for your customer to exit you a Google review. You also want a link that:

  • Lets your customer get out a review with the fewest clicks and scrolls
  • Works in both desktop and mobile environments
  • Works whether the user is already logged in to Google or not
  • Never changes

There are a various online utilities to assist yous create a link. Unfortunately, some links that are generated don't encounter these criteria. One way to exist sure that your link will work correctly is to go far yourself. Here are the steps:

  1. Using Chrome, do a make search to trigger the Cognition Panel outcome on the right. Then, you'll want to click to view all reviews.
Knowledge Panel - Google Reviews
  1. This will have you to the review box. Click on the Write a review button.
Google reviews - Write a review
  1. And so copy the URL. It will look similar to this:

https://world wide,3,,,

Review Box
  1. That's it. That's your link.

Our friends at Whitespark made a pretty sweet Google Review Link Generator tool y'all can apply as well. This volition automate the above procedure for bricks and mortar businesses. Unfortunately it doesn't work for service area businesses.

Google no longer offers a short review URL

Before this twelvemonth, Google removed the power add a brusque review URL to Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business organisation). According to Google's aid certificate, "Y'all tin no longer create or edit short names. Brusk names and URLs that already exist will still work."

If you have a short review URL already in existence information technology should work, but you won't exist able to create a new one moving forrad.

Pro tip: Use a redirect to "own" your Google Review URL

With Google, things can change quickly and it'south likely any link you generate will change at some betoken in the future. You can't change Google, simply you can future-proof your review URL with a elementary strategy. Control the URL you promote for Google Reviews using a redirect or forwarding URL.

This is a web-based technique that allows ane URL to point to another. Create a forwarding URL, such equally, that automatically links (redirects) to your Google Review URL. Virtually spider web hosts offer this feature in an like shooting fish in a barrel interface and if you lot are using WordPress there are simple plug-ins like Redirection that attain this task. In this case, the redirect allows you to "own" the link that you requite to customers for Google Reviews. It has the added do good of allowing y'all to track how frequently the link is clicked besides.

If Google changes review URLs, y'all can simply update the redirect. This strategy allows you to continue using the forwarding URL y'all created in all existing marketing materials and advice.


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