Disable or Enable Button After Uploading Many Files Php

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Multiple file inputs with one submit push button with React Hooks

Recently, I was working on a project and I had to brand multiple file inputs. The thing is every input should accept but one file with sure type which in my case was pdf , jpeg just. After uploading the file, user should submit all the uploaded files together using only one submit button. In my instance, user doesn't have to upload all the files at once.

The first thing came to my heed is to use FormData; however, I had to submit an Array of objects each object should have file_Id and the file itself and permit's phone call information technology uploaded_file in our instance. With FormData I couldn't do that, so I had brand it in my own manner.

I presume in this instance that you are familiar with Reactjs and hooks.

Hither are the steps I followed to accomplish my goal:

1. Create React component with 3 input files, each input file accepts only pdf , jpeg with unique Id. Also, we want 1 submit button.

                              import                React                from                '                react                '                ;                const                MultipleFileInput                =                ()                =>                {                return                (                <                form                className                =                "                upload--container                "                >                <                div                className                =                "                upload--button                "                >                <                input                id                =                {                one                }                accept                =                "                .jpeg, .pdf                "                type                =                "                file                "                />                <                /div                >                                <                div                className                =                "                upload--button                "                >                <                input                id                =                {                2                }                accept                =                "                .jpeg, .pdf                "                blazon                =                "                file                "                />                <                /div                >                                <                div                className                =                "                upload--button                "                >                <                input                id                =                {                3                }                accept                =                "                .jpeg, .pdf                "                type                =                "                file                "                />                <                /div                >                                <                button                type                =                "                submit                "                >                Submit                <                /button                >                                <                /form                >                                );                };                export                default                MultipleFileInput                ;                          

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two. create state that will concord the Array of objects.

                              // country that will hold the Array of objects                // initialized with empty array                const                [                files                ,                setFiles                ]                =                useState                ([]);                          

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3. Add onChageHandler for each input file. To read these files I have used FileReader Read More About FileReader Web API

                              // onChange part that reads files on uploading them                // files read are encoded as Base64                part                onFileUpload                (                event                )                {                event                .                preventDefault                ();                // Get the file Id                let                id                =                event                .                target                .                id                ;                // Create an case of FileReader API                let                file_reader                =                new                FileReader                ();                // Become the bodily file itself                let                file                =                event                .                target                .                files                [                0                ];                file_reader                .                onload                =                ()                =>                {                // After uploading the file                // appending the file to our state assortment                // set the object keys and values accordingly                setFiles                ([...                files                ,                {                file_id                :                id                ,                uploaded_file                :                file_reader                .                consequence                }]);                };                // reading the bodily uploaded file                file_reader                .                readAsDataURL                (                file                );                }                          

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4. now let'southward implement our submit button, for this example we volition merely console log the results; notwithstanding, I had to send these files to the server.

                              // handle submit push for course                function                handleSubmit                (                eastward                )                {                e                .                preventDefault                ();                console                .                log                (                files                )                }                          

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v. Finally, Let'due south add some restrictions to our logic. For example, disable submit button if no file was uploaded.

                              // push land whether information technology's disabled or enabled                const                [                enabled                ,                setEnabled                ]                =                useState                (                imitation                );                // using useEffect nosotros can detect if user uploaded any file,                                // so enable submit push button                useEffect                (()                =>                {                if                (                files                .                length                ===                0                )                {                setEnabled                (                false                );                }                else                {                setEnabled                (                truthful                );                }                },                [                files                ]);                // return submit button based on its country.                                {                enabled                ?                (                <                button                blazon                =                "                submit                "                >                Submit                <                /push button                >                                )                :                (                <                button                disabled                type                =                "                submit                "                >                Submit                <                /push button                >                                )}                          

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This volition be the whole code after all.

codesandox Link

                              import                React                ,                {                useState                ,                useEffect                }                from                '                react                '                ;                const                MultipleFileInput                =                ()                =>                {                // state that will agree the Array of objects                // initialized with empty array                const                [                files                ,                setFiles                ]                =                useState                ([]);                // onChange part that reads files on uploading them                // files read are encoded every bit Base64                function                onFileUpload                (                event                )                {                event                .                preventDefault                ();                // Get the file Id                allow                id                =                event                .                target                .                id                ;                // Create an instance of FileReader API                let                file_reader                =                new                FileReader                ();                // Go the actual file itself                permit                file                =                consequence                .                target                .                files                [                0                ];                file_reader                .                onload                =                ()                =>                {                // After uploading the file                // appending the file to our state assortment                // set up the object keys and values appropriately                setFiles                ([...                files                ,                {                file_id                :                id                ,                uploaded_file                :                file_reader                .                outcome                }]);                };                // reading the actual uploaded file                file_reader                .                readAsDataURL                (                file                );                }                // handle submit button for form                function                handleSubmit                (                e                )                {                e                .                preventDefault                ();                console                .                log                (                files                );                }                // button land whether it's disabled or enabled                const                [                enabled                ,                setEnabled                ]                =                useState                (                false                );                // using useEffect we can detect if user uploaded any file,                // then enable submit button                useEffect                (()                =>                {                if                (                files                .                length                ===                0                )                {                setEnabled                (                simulated                );                }                else                {                setEnabled                (                true                );                }                },                [                files                ]);                render                (                <                class                onSubmit                =                {                handleSubmit                }                className                =                "                upload--container                "                >                <                h1                >                Multiple                File                Inputs                with                Signle                Submit                Push button                <                /h1                >                                <                div                className                =                "                upload--button                "                >                <                input                onChange                =                {                onFileUpload                }                id                =                {                ane                }                take                =                "                .jpeg, .pdf                "                blazon                =                "                file                "                />                <                /div                >                                <                div                className                =                "                upload--button                "                >                <                input                onChange                =                {                onFileUpload                }                id                =                {                2                }                accept                =                "                .jpeg, .pdf                "                type                =                "                file                "                />                <                /div                >                                <                div                className                =                "                upload--button                "                >                <                input                onChange                =                {                onFileUpload                }                id                =                {                three                }                have                =                "                .jpeg, .pdf                "                blazon                =                "                file                "                />                <                /div                >                                {                enabled                ?                (                <                push button                type                =                "                submit                "                >                Submit                <                /button                >                                )                :                (                <                button                disabled                type                =                "                submit                "                >                Submit                <                /push button                >                                )}                <                /form                >                                );                };                export                default                MultipleFileInput                ;                          

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Final Words,

I will exist glad if someone shared different approach, or any modifications to my current implementation. So, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts.


Source: https://dev.to/fadiamg/multiple-file-inputs-with-one-submit-button-with-react-hooks-kle

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